Questions about license
  • What's included in my plan?
  • Filmstock currently has 3 different kinds of plans: Free, Standard and Premium.


    The Free plan includes the following:


    • Unlimited downloads from the Free library, which is updated with new content every month..
    • Commercial use (for example: advertising, broadcast media, blog posts, websites, design elements, commercial films, etc.)
    • Royalty-free license

    The Standard plan includes the following:


    • Unlimited downloads from the Standard library, which is updated with new content every week.
    • Commercial use (for example: advertising, broadcast media, blog posts, websites, design elements, commercial films, etc.)
    • Royalty-free license
    • Free technical support

    The Premium plan includes the following:


    • Unlimited downloads from the Standard library, which is updated with new content every day.
    • 50 downloads from the Premium library per month.
    • Commercial use,e.g., (for example: advertising, broadcast media, blog posts, websites, design elements,youtube videos, etc.)
    • Royalty-free license
    • Free technical support
  • Are all the media assets from Filmstock cleared for commercial use?
  • You can use Filmstock media assets in commercial projects. If you require a print run, contact us for information about our extended license services.

    In order to use media assets from Filmstock's Standard or Premium libraries under this royalty-free license you must purchase a subscription.

  • How Does Subscription work?
  • With a subscription plan, you can get access to media assets from Filmstock's standard and premium library. Filmstock offers monthly, quarterly and annual pricing for all subscription plans.  

    Meanwhile, the resource effects downloaded locally to Filmora will not be dragged to the timeline after the subscription expires.

  • What is Single Purchase?
  • Single Purchase allows you to purchase media assets in the Single Purchase library for a one-time fee. 

  • What does royalty-free mean?
  • A royalty-free license gives you the right to use copyrighted items without paying royalties per volume sold or usage. All of the contents available on Filmstock are offered under our royalty-free license agreement which allows for worldwide, perpetual use, across all media.